Welcome to Donate Your Sweat

Contribute To Community Well-Being

In this fast paced world, everyone is trying to match pace with pace in catch up game, But one thing we need to ask ourselves, are we moving ahead with the world or are we losing the connection with life? Are we benefiting more than what we are losing?

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” two things stand out from the now immortal words from Neil Armstong.

  • Every things begins with a single small step
  • Every action we take as Individuals, has an effect on all of Mankind

No matter how much we may have been separated by our religions, age, gender ultimately we’re all connected and bound to live on our Home we call Earth.

Now, let’s scale things back a bit and talk about your local community. Your own neighborhood. Do you ever walk outside the gate of your society and wonder why it is all so dirty? Why there is plastic littered everywhere and thrash strewn around. We have, and we know we’re not alone in this. How many of us understand that in some way or another we are a part of the problem. It’s time to consider volunteering for the well-being of your community.

What exactly is Community Well Being?

Community Well Being can be defined as various socio-economic, cultural, and environmental factors that affect an individual living as a part of society and steps essential to improve them. This isn’t something that can happen overnight, but with the right people volunteering for the well-being of the community several improvements can be made at a rapid pace.

How can I help?

If you find yourself in a position of social and financial security you are already better off than most people in the country. It would be easy to assume that you are well educated, with a formal education from a reputed institution. Not everyone is as lucky. It is time to make use of your education and upbringing by sharing this with your community.

Educating members from the lower strata of society can bring about a large change in your neighbouring environment, but don’t stop there, if you see someone polluting take some time out to have a word with them.

Connect with the rest of the members from societies living close by. Discuss ideas about cleanliness. Organize a volunteering drive that educates the people living in the area about the necessity of community well-being. This isn’t a problem that we would be able to fix by throwing money at it. It will need all to donate your sweat. Volunteer your time, Donate Your Sweat to ensure that your community is well cared for and protected.

Why Should I help?

It’s not about you, or me, or your kids, your parents. Everyone is affected by everyone’s decisions. This isn’t a problem one person need’s to solve, or even can solve. It does need one person to begin the message. You could be that person.

You should volunteer for your communities benefit because it will lead to an improvement to your life. If you are not too keen on communal outreach yourself, the best way you can help is by setting an example by your actions. Donate Your Sweat in other means.

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