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Earth Overshoot Day: How To Give Back To The Planet That Provides Us Everything

Posted by: wp_56
Category: Best Volunteering Ideas, blog

Earth Overshoot Day or Ecological Debt Day is the day when humanity’s demand for natural resources in a year exceeds how much the planet can regenerate in that year. Every year, the Global Footprint Network calculates the date for the Earth Overshoot Day as per their established standards, taking into account the data recorded by the organisation. In 2017, the Earth Overshoot Day falls on the 2nd of August, which means that for the rest of the year, the earth’s bio capacity will fall behind our requirement for ecological resources.

The reason for this disparity between the demand and availability of resources is the exploitation of these resources by the human beings, without proper waste disposal or adoption of the methods of sustainable living.

This hampers the ability of the planet to regenerate the resources and if the trend continues, the future generations may face an acute shortage of the same. Therefore, adopting Eco-friendly ways of life to reduce our global footprint is the need of the hour.

Here are a few ways in which you can donate your sweat to reduce your ecological footprint and help preserve the precious natural resources for the future generations

1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint By Walking Or Cycling

Automobiles are one of the primary culprits behind the increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. To reduce your carbon footprint, choose to walk or cycle whenever possible. If you are travelling to a distant location then opt for public transport instead of your own vehicle. Even one less car on the roads can make a huge difference to the health of the environment.

2. Ditch The Air Conditioner

Air conditioners consume a large amount of energy and depending on the refrigerant used, they may also cause the depletion of the ozone layer. In order to preserve energy, minimize your usage of an air conditioner and set it to an optimal temperature whenever you need to use it. When it is too hot, try to share an air conditioned room with friends or family instead of turning on all the ACs in the house.

3. Use Renewable Energy As Much As Possible

As the supply of non-renewable resources is constantly depleting, switching to renewable energy is a wise and responsible choice. Use cookers and torches powered by solar energy and switch to solar heaters for heating up your water. Replace fossil fuels with bio fuels if possible. These small changes to your lifestyle will go a long way in preserving the planet’s resources.

4. Create Awareness About Natural Resources

Organize awareness camps and training sessions in your locality to educate the residents regarding the proper use of natural resources. Encourage them to ensure that there is no wastage of electricity or water in their households. Make them aware of the proper waste disposal and recycling techniques and also familiarize them with Eco-friendly options such as solar powered devices. If every community resolves to adopt the methods of sustainable living, the global deficit can be overcome more effectively.

This Earth Overshoot Day, think about how you can make a change to your lifestyle to minimize the consumption of the depleting resources. Promote the Eco-friendly ways of life among your friends and family members and pledge to adopt them in your life as well.

The fact that we are barely more than halfway through the year and we have already used up more than the planet can regenerate should be an eye opener for all of us to be extremely judicious regarding our ecological footprint.