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Best Volunteering Ideas to Make This World Food Day More Meaningful.

Posted by: wp_56
Category: Best Community Service Ideas, Best Volunteering Ideas, blog, Donate Your Sweat Idea about Volunteering

The World Food Day is an event of global scale that is celebrated annually on the 16th of October. Organisations around the world participate by raising awareness about issues concerning food security and agriculture and by creating initiatives to resolve the same. Here are some great volunteering ideas for World Food Day that you can take inspiration from to support causes such as eradication of hunger, upliftment of the farmers, and the protection of agricultural diversity.

1. Organise Food Drives

Organise regular food collection drives in your neighborhood to collect food for the local food banks. Any surplus food from a restaurant’s kitchen or from the local households can feed the mouths of many. Encourage your neighbors not to waste even a single grain and to donate to the food bank instead. Your continuous efforts will ensure that no one goes to bed on an empty stomach in your locality.

2. Volunteer at a Local NGO

Join hands with a local NGO that focuses on ending world hunger. The activities of such an NGO may include spreading awareness about world hunger and encouraging the privileged sections of society to support those suffering from the same. NGO’s always appreciate a helping hand and your efforts will help them reach their noble goal even faster.

3. Start a Community Garden

Growing crops locally is the best way to preserve the agricultural diversity of the region. Start a community garden where the entire neighborhood participates in tending to the crops. This will not only help enhance the appreciation for the food that we consume on a daily basis but you can also donate the produce to a local NGO. In this manner, you will feed some hungry mouths while spreading awareness regarding agriculture.

4. Participate in an Awareness Camp

Various community programs and awareness camps are held around the world on the occasion of World Food Day. You can enroll for such an event and can also volunteer to help organise the same. Furthermore, you can even take the initiative to plan an awareness camp in your neighborhood which can shed some light on topics such as world hunger and the threats faced by the agriculture industry.

5. Create a Short Donate Your Sweat YouTube Video to Spread Awareness About World Hunger

It is unfortunate that despite exposure to the internet and other resources, a large chunk of the urban society is still not aware of the graveness of the situation of world hunger. Donate Your Sweat encourages you to create a short but impactful video on the subject that will encourage those around you to actively support the thousands of people who suffer from malnourishment and hunger. Use social media as a tool to educate the society and to bring the population together against the curse of world hunger.

These are just a few of the ways in which you can become an active participant in the celebrations of World Food Day.

Remember, whether you feed a hungry child or support the local farmers of your region, every action counts and will lead to a more stable agricultural ecosystem. So this World Food Day, get on your feet and join the mission to make food readily available to every human being.