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How to Make International Women’s Day Your day?

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Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day and it is in these times that the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report tells us that gender parity is as far as 200 years away. Therefore, it is more important for women to remain motivated with Press for Progress being the International Women’s Day theme. It is being seen that other women’s movements such as Me Too and Times Up have added the much-needed boost in working for gender parity.

Gender parity cannot be achieved in a single day and it looks like there are positive gains being made on a daily basis in this direction. The additional support, activism, and advocacy are ample evidence of this.  Therefore, the issue calls for stronger action and support from all people in the society to contribute and start thinking in a gender-inclusive manner instead of being complacent.

It is important to recognize the fact that International Women’s day does not belong to any specific country, organization or feminist group. It belongs to anyone that cares for human rights. Therefore, we all have to act and think in harmony to hasten gender parity and Press for Progress.

History of International Women’s Day

We can call this edition of International Women’s day successful if we all take action and take it up to drive gender parity as our collective responsibility.

The first International Women’s day was celebrated in the year 1911 and was started by the Suffragettes in the first few years of the 20th century. This day is celebrated the world over by all communities governments, organizations, media and educational institutions.  It is thus possible for any individual to play a meaningful part in the movement through any means possible: addressing a community gathering, a lesson in the college classroom, having a conversation at the dinner table, etc. All of these can bring us closer to gender parity.

The International Women’s Day is a chance to create your moment and contribute to working on the issue. Press For Progress is more important to women than ever now.

What You Can Do?

At the very start, it is most important that you commit to the cause of gender parity.  Only progressive action can get us closer to the goal. It is easier if all of us commit to the goal because collective action is mighty and powerful. Given below are a few ways through which you can participate and accelerate the pace of change amongst your peers. You can select the most suitable one for you.

1. Build and maintain a gender-parity mindset

The very basic way to start this is to adopt a mindset that conforms to gender parity. Any lack of women’s participation in any sphere should be questioned right away. In case of any existing practice where gender discrepancy is more obvious, alternatives that are more inclusive should be identified. Women should be nominated for leadership positions wherever possible. Any goal should be 50-50 as regards to male-female ratio. Women should be included in any program that is conducted.

2. No Stereotypes or bias

To bring about gender parity, all current beliefs about women that lead to any kind of bias should be questioned bravely and done away with. Limiting beliefs about women should be changed and all barriers removed. Language should be carefully used to include women and not to degrade them. Buy your stuff from those retailers who position women in a dignified manner.

3. Women should be shown only in a positive light

Identify different ways that would help to make women more visible, and it is important that they are displayed only in positive light. Any opportunity that comes your way, extend it to women. Assume that women are on the lookout for opportunities. Appoint women leaders and spokespersons. If there are visible women who are making a point, support them.

4. Become an influence among your peers

Pointing out inappropriate behavior and stalling it when it happens is important. Meaningful ways would hasten gender parity. Decide to lead by example and stand by your principles to become a role model. Change the status quo whenever you get the chance.

5. Women’s achievements have to be acknowledged and celebrated

It is important to accept the fact that achievement can be in different formats and these have to be valued objectively. It is vital to give credit to women’s individual and collective achievements. Appreciate women role models, institute awards and showcase their paths to success.