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Volunteering for Traffic Management! My Experience…

Posted by: wp_56
Category: Best Community Service Ideas, Best Volunteer Experience, blog, Volunteering Ideas in India

Hooting vehicles, shouting drivers and late passengers, all impatient to reach their destinations. Not to forget, one crazy driver, more angry than impatient, who rams into another car leading to a traffic standstill. Day in day out, this is the continual state of the roads, each morning and evening. It is the time most hated by the traffic police. They spend these hours waving their hands as if practicing for international music competitions. Sweat trickling down their visages, they look worn-out and exhausted. It is this look in their faces, in collaboration with my yearning to be a responsible citizen that drove me towards gathering my friends to engage in a volunteer activity.

It was on a Friday evening. The roads looked weary with cars which stretched to the far horizon, way beyond the strength of our eyesight. We proceeded to a junction where the road parted into three different ways. On this day, we had decided to donate our sweat by volunteering to direct the traffic systematically. The road we choose was among the busiest in the region as it connected two major cities and multiple residential areas. We were sure it wouldn’t be a simple task, but we were motivated towards practicing our social responsibility and portray our personalities to reflect as responsible citizens.

It all started as fun. Though we had quite some challenges, we familiarized ourselves and took control in no time. Soon enough, we were smoothly controlling the traffic.

An overwhelming feeling danced throughout my body as I took my turn to direct the traffic. With ecstasy, I systematically directed the cars and seemed to be controlling the world.

All the endless amount of cars were following my commands. From public service vehicle to personal and company vehicles. Students, business people, lecturers, CEO s’, investors, tourists, politicians, bankers and other influential individuals were all following my commands. I felt more than just a responsible citizen. Inside my heart, I felt as if I was the most influential person in the world.

Indulging in social responsibility services is not only rewarding but motivating as well. During our traffic control volunteering, we felt obliged to engage ourselves in more activities that a responsible citizen should partake. We felt glad that many people were able to reach their destinations safely, as our traffic control prevented accidents from occurring. Additionally, the traffic flow was smooth due to our coordinated control, thereby enabling people to spend less time in the traffic. Besides, ensuring that traffic moves faster helps in reducing carbon emission thereby contributing positively towards protecting the environment. With all these impacts, one feels that its worth to donate your sweat by getting involved with these social activities.

This occurrence took place some months ago. However, I still attribute it to making me the responsible citizen I have become. During my free time, I usually practice my social responsibility by engaging in social activities and donate my sweat. I habitually collaborate with my friends. And although it is voluntary and we never expect any payment, the service we offer to others creates within us the motivation to keep going.

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