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Be Energy Responsible

Energy conservation guarantees that future generations have access to enough resources to live comfortably and continue developing. It’s everyone’s responsibility, from individuals to sustainable businesses to be an energy responsible citizen.

Ever since the Industrial Revolution began in the 1760’s mankind has spiraled out of control with the use of fossil fuels and exhaustible forms of energy production. Considering the growth spurt of the population in the coming decades it is surprising to think that we were solely reliant on exhaustible-polluting fossil fuels and nuclear power to supply our energy needs. With such an abundance of Natural-Renewable-Eco-friendly resources available to the general population why was there no effort in trying to harness those? The bad news was, the rate of development of technologies was not up to the mark and progress was slow. The good news is things have changed.

Recent studies have shown that if we are to continue to survive as a species it is extremely important that we stop our reliance on oil and adopt more eco-friendly means of fuelling our energy needs (pardon the pun). Enter GREEN ENERGY.

What is Green Energy you ask?

Green Energy is any form of energy that comes from renewable natural resources. Sunlight, Wind, Rain, Tides and Geothermal energies are some examples of green energy that we can adopt in our lives to reduce the CO2 emissions and cut down on the threat of global warming. Green Energy sources have a much smaller impact on the environment than their alternatives and are much better for our consumption.

With the technological advancements and tremendous amounts of resources being poured into the research of renewable energy the costs have reduced drastically and have now begun to compete with regular means of energy productions. More developed nations have been providing tax incentives to its citizens for adopting more green measures in their daily routines. The governments themselves have been working hard to ensure more green energy is being transmitted to the users and producing more energy themselves.

If you try to imagine real life super heroes then you have to picture Elon Musk and Manoj Bhardwaj. They have made billions and billions from other industries, but instead of using their hard earned wealth for frivolous needs they have decided to use that money to create and promote products for green energy. You might be saying to yourself, “I don’t have lots of money so how can I be a super hero?” Well, it doesn’t take too much to become a superhero in today’s world.

Like all super heroes, all you need is the courage to do the right thing, at the right time. And the time is NOW.

You can start with simple things like ensuring that all you are not unnecessarily wasting electricity. Switch off unneeded fans, lights, geysers when not in use. Switch to LED bulbs for your home when you have a chance. Sure they might cost slightly more than regular bulbs but not in the long run. You end up saving more on your electricity bills and end up saving a lot more.

Another thing you can do is to ensure that all your taps are leak free. Hire a plumber and get all your work done, or look up do-it-yourself videos on YouTube to fix those leaky faucets. Also, give a thought to switching from electric or gas heaters to solar powered heaters. Contrary to popular belief, Solar Powered heaters provide warm bath water even during the rains. Also, don’t forget to educate your neighbors about all the activities that you have been participating in. Help them out with their house problems or provide them with resources to do so. Remember we’re all in this together, the more people that contribute to a greener planet the better. Like I’ve been saying throughout, the time to start is NOW! Ready to be a SUPER HERO?

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